Dear Grandson, On the eve of your 18th birthday, I am hoping to give you some thoughts that will excite you about delving into what's ahead of you're beautiful, incredible and spirited life. The beauty begins each time you pick yourself up and continue on a positive path no matter what others say or do. And when you realize that much of the hate, violence and simple apathy surrounding your presence has very little to do with you, but with how the world has been taught to view you as a very tall, very dark African-American male who represents their own confusion, ignorance, and fears.They do not understand that you are no one's enemy and that you are simply attempting to have a beautiful life. With the wake of the new political administration, these are turbulent times. But guess what, since we as Africans and now African-Americans have arrived here since 1619, we have always endured turbulent times and yet we have done more than just surv...